Crafting Rainbows

Crafting Rainbows to show Solidarity.

Schaut euch unser Tutorial an und bastelt mit!

Materials you need

● Our Little English House rainbow template
● Pencils, crayons or paint
● An old newspaper
● A brush and
● A paper plate

Additionally you can use:
● Glitter
● Sequins
● Feathers
● Liquid glue
● A pair of scissors
● Cotton rounds
● Crepe paper

Follow these steps:

  1. Pour the primary colours yellow, red and blue on the paper plate and mix orange, green and purple.

  2. Now take the brush and colour the rainbow.

To make the Glitter rainbow, follow these steps:

  1. Put liquid glue on the first part of the rainbow.

  2. Add sequins - leave a few spaces empty.

  3. Now you can sprinkle the glitter powder all over the sequins.

  4. Repeat these steps with orange, red, purple, blue and green.

To make the crepe paper rainbow, follow these steps:

  1. Cut a small piece of yellow crepe paper.

  2. Now tear off a little piece of it and presse the piece of paper together with your fingers so you get a tiny crepe paper ball.

  3. Now you have to repeat that step a few times - actually dozens of times, because you need a lot of these paper balls.

  4. Then put glue on your rainbow template and stick the yellow paper balls on the rainbow. You can also cut off larger pieces of crepe paper and get larger paper balls. You can even roll the paper together, so you’ll get longish paper balls to stick on the rainbow.

Take a picture of your rainbow and send it to us on Facebook or Instagram

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Im Little English House® werden Kinder spielerisch und erfolgreich an die Englische Sprache herangeführt. 

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