Easter Crafting Tutorials
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Crafting Easter Eggs with Pompoms and Clothespins
Materials you need:
A paper plate
Six pompons
Six clothespins
An old newspaper
Poster Paint: blue, yellow and red
Little English House Easter Egg template.
Follow these steps:
- Print out the Little English House Easter Egg Template.
Grab the pompoms with the clothespins.
Pour the three different colours on your paper plate. You can mix yellow and red to make orange, blue and yellow to make green, and red and blue to make purple.
Use one pompom-clothespin for one colour. Put your pompom in the colour and then stamp the pompom on your Easter Egg to make the stamp effect.
Crafting Snowdrops with Cotton Rounds
Materials you need:
An old newspaper
A blank piece of paper
Coloured paper in different shades of green
A pair of scissors
Green felt-tips
A glue stick
Cotton rounds
Follow these steps:
- Take your pair of scissors and cut a zig zag line in one of the cotton rounds. Cut as many cotton rounds as blossoms you need for your picture.
- Put glue on that part of the paper where you want your blossoms to be. It’s important to put the glue on the paper, not on the cotton round. The cotton round would fall apart if you try to put glue on it.
- Take a green felt-tip and add a little green scribble on your cotton round.
- Add the flower stalks with the same green felt-tip.
- Take another shade of green to add some grass.